Why do I travel? Benefits Of Traveling

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I say:




Have you ever wondered why do I say so or why people say, ‘Traveling is so important’?

There is a reason why all the travel enthusiasts preach about traveling and how important it is to travel.

Benefits of traveling the world
“Oh The Places You’ll Go”

Traveling teaches you some amazing life lessons and has its own set of benefits that you can’t get anywhere else. Travelers enjoy and encounter the benefits of traveling, consciously, or subconsciously.

Did you ever question yourself, ‘why should I travel?‘ and you end up discovering some shallow reasons like ‘I don’t have time to travel or traveling is so costly.’

Then surely, you haven’t traveled enough and to experience the magical power of traveling you need to travel again and more.

In the next 10 minutes, I’m going to convince you to travel by telling you the top benefits of traveling and what traveling does to you.

Benefits Of Traveling:-

1. It broadens your perspective of the world

Perhaps you are a well-educated person who is well versed in the affairs of the world. Educated as you might be, there are still a lot of facts, figures, and goings-on, which are necessary to know in life, but which are nowhere in books.

Benefits of Traveling_jesus christ
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.”

Of course, in times like these, the internet comes to the rescue to some extent. You can even rely on word of mouth from someone else, but there is no better way than learning them through first-hand experiences.

It will help you to get a crystal clear idea of happenings around the world. Also, things learned through experiences always retain longer in our memory than those that are not.

2. It helps you get acquainted with different cultures and traditions

The world is massive and diverse, too. There are over 190 countries in the world today, and each has its own unique culture, tradition, and ways of living. What you revere in your country may not be so to others. Your lifestyle may seem weird to some.

You must respect the culture and ways of living of the place, where you are heading to, beforehand. As you spend your days, trying to get by in a land that is little known to you, you will enrich the little stock of knowledge that you possess of that particular land.

a hindu priest_benefits of traveling
“It is better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.”

Life is short, and it doesn’t make sense that you should spend your whole life bound by and committed to only one culture and tradition.

Learning about different cultures is one of the most fun parts of taking travels, especially when it is the exact opposite of your own.

3. It enhances your communication skills and helps build connections

Human beings are social creatures. We are always on the lookout to build relationships with other people.

As you travel, you will come across different types of people, with different personalities and temperaments, from backgrounds and social standing that are much different from yours.

joined hands_benefits of traveling
“A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.”

Reaching out to them and sharing life lessons and experiences will probably give you an insight into how people get by their lives.

These will also give you an opportunity to study life from a different point of view and see if you had been living life the right way. 

4. It boosts your creativity often giving rise to unique business ideas

Traveling exposes you to the different vistas of life.

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“To travel is to inspire and to be inspired.”

There are so many ways by which you can make the lives of the people more convenient in this world. There are many places in the world where the lives of people are full of challenges, hardships that can insight you with a business idea.

Traveling often acquaints us with an umpteenth number of ideas and concepts.

5. It is an effective way to learn new languages

You can take it for granted that you will talk to at least a handful of people, during your travels. You may strike up a friendship or two between people that speak different languages.

hello in different languages

Humans being an inquisitive creature, you will be curious to know how your new-found friend says, ‘How do you do?’ in their mother tongue. If conversations like these carry on, you will go home with new language skills.

In slow travel, learning a new language is a sure thing.

6. It creates priceless memories, which you cannot buy with money

As time passes by, you will begin to devalue materialism. You will realize that materialistic luxuries do not bring in much happiness, after all.

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“Own only what you can always carry with you: known languages, known countries, known people. Let your memory be your travel bag.”

Instead, you will look back at the life experiences, the million-dollar worth memories that you cannot buy with billions of dollars.

Traveling breeds the most precious memories and life experiences- good as well as bad. 

7. It helps you become more independent

Solo travel is gaining popularity by the hour. Many opt for solo trips over groups.

Traveling solo is much different from group trips as it forces you out of your comfort zone. Whether you like it or not, it compels you to discover your potential.

Read: Inspiring Solo Travel Quotes to inspire you in taking a Journey on your own

Alone in a land with none of the familiar faces by your side, you will literally have no one to rely on but your own self. You will have the rare opportunity of exploring your adventurous side that you never knew existed in you.

benefits of traveling
“I am never happier than when I am alone in a foreign city; It is as if I had become invisible.”

Traveling exposes you to different situations, which becomes more challenging if you are alone. As you try to decipher the complexities, you will realize that you had underrated yourself, because you can do tasks and run errands, things for which you had been dependent on others.

In a nutshell, by the time your solo trip wraps up, you would find yourself to be completely different and much better than your old self.

8. It helps you find yourself

While travels enrich your life experiences and broaden your horizon, it is not without challenges. As daunting as those challenges sound and appear to you, you should not stop yourself from traveling because of the fear of coming to terms with them.

a girl on the beach
“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”

It is through these challenges that you are going to develop and attain a better version of yourself. They decide whether to make or break you. So it is foolish of you to shy away from such experiences and stay cooped up in your enclosed bubble surrounded by comfortable and familiar sights.

9. It brings you momentary peace and satisfaction

Traveling provides you with lenses to witness some of the most spectacular sights and scenes, which you might never have experienced, had you stayed stuck in one place.

beach scene
“We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfilment.”

When you see or experience spectacular settings of pristine nature, you sometimes get too engrossed in them that you forget whatever difficulties that you are going through.

Short as it is, such moments of peace do magic and detoxes your mind and body of negative vibes.

10. It helps in de-stressing

Unexpectedly, traveling does wonders for our mental health. There are times when it becomes difficult to see the same set of people and encounter the same routine every day.

In some extreme cases, the people that you care for will even start to get on your nerves. Traveling, of course, is not a solution for mental health problems like anxiety and depression.

However, it can be helpful to a certain extent and help in keeping stressful situations at bay. Different locales, new faces, unfamiliar sights, and cuisine will make you see things from a whole new perspective.

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You’ll even have the ability to judge your own situation from another point of view and come to the conclusion that it is after all, not as pathetic as you thought it is.

Besides, traveling allows you to take some time off the so-called ‘normal’ life. It will give you time to review your life and well being.

It is one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated. If you look around, definitely you will encounter people and situations that will motivate you.

11. It helps in reviving your spirits

Routine and consistency are some of the secret keys to success. However, there are also times when you will long for anything but the nerve-wracking monotony of the routine work.

 Even if you’re a workaholic or someone who is overly committed to a career, you need a break, once in a while.

Most of the time, people tend to push to the extreme and drive themselves to the dead-end by overworking. In a competitive world such as ours, burning the midnight oil has become a common phenomenon.

man on the top of a mountain
“To travel is to live.”

While it is good to work so hard in life, it is equally necessary to take breaks in between, as the saying goes, ‘All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy‘.

Traveling is one of the most effective ways to revive and rejuvenate your spirits. It will keep you away from your everyday routine, at least for a few days. You can use this short period to reflect on your progress in life.

In fact, in the past centuries, physicians suggested a change of setting and air, to people who are not in the best of health condition. Indeed, traveling is a proven way to help revive affliction of the body and mind.

12. It lets you explore the food culture amidst experiences

Countries and lands are not only entitled to their own culture, heritage, lifestyle and language, but also to mouth-watering delicacies, as well.

Considering how vast the food culture is at present, humans are indeed spoiled, for choice. Recipes are created and added to the never-ending listicle every other day.

benefits of traveling_food platter

Even if you were to spend days of your life devouring one dish at a time, there is no way you would be able to relish all the lip-smacking food items that the world has to offer.

There are way too many delicious food items to gorge on but too little time. So, if you are to perish without tasting at least a few hundred such dishes, you are robbing your palate of its rights and are definitely not doing justice to it.

13. You’ll appreciate your home more

I bet a traveler would get caught up by ‘Home Sick’ at least once in his journey. And this ‘Home Sick’ feeling is good, I’ll tell you why.

Traveling will get you to understand what home really is!

Most of us complain about our mom’s home-cooked food now and then, but when you eat food that you can’t even spell, you’ll long for your mom’s food.

When people don’t understand your accent and language, you surely will miss speaking in your mother tongue; you’ll miss being a local in your hometown.


When you’re struggling to make new friends and connect to people on your travel, you’re going to miss your friends and family a lot; you’re going to miss every silly chat you had with your friends.

You’ll be grateful to your home than ever while you travel.

Traveling helps you to realize how good and relaxing it is at home.

14. It strengthens the relationship

We all know yearly vacations and half-yearly vacations for a couple improves the bonding between them. But if you do travel as a couple for a living, imagine the perks of it.

Traveling helps you to keep the spark living in your relationship. You’ll have lots of quality time to spend with your partner.

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“I have found that there ain’t a no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them to travel with them.”

You’ll both share the same set of travel goals, interests, hobbies, and bucket lists while traveling.

Believe me; you’ll be each other best friend. The traveling you do together is really worth it.

Start creating memories that you’re going to cherish forever 🙂

15. You appreciate your friends and family more

When you hit the road, you’ll make lots of new friends, and you’ll connect with new people, there’s no doubt in it.


 No one comes like your 2 A.M confidant childhood friend.

Although your friends and family are one call away, these virtual meetings will not give the feel of face-face chitchat session or a silly remote fight with your sibling.

benefits of traveling_group of friends

You’ll miss surprising your mom on her birthday when the clock strikes 12. You’ll feel bad when you miss your friends or cousins’ weddings or any other important day in their lives.

Travel, truly makes you miss your friends and family. It will make you feel how lucky you are to have such sweet friends and family in your life.

16. You’ll improve in problem-solving and decision making

While staying at home, we have to choose which show to binge-watch next or what to eat for dinner, what should we do during the weekend? Making these trivial choices limits our thinking and creativity.

But during traveling, we are exposed to a new environment, and we try to do new things on the road. There is a reason why everybody says, ‘Travel expands your mind,’ and it does.

benefits of traveling_two diverged roads
“Travel has a way of stretching the mind. A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimension.”

You’ll have to make quick decisions like, ‘Where should I go next?’, ‘Should I reach the destination by walk or take a local bus?’, Should I trust this guy?

 This will improve your decision-making skills.

You’ll have lots of situations to think and act fast during travel. For example, ‘What if a place you planned to visit was closed?’ You have to change your plan and find new destinations; this will improve your problem-solving skill.

17. You get a break from technology

Nowadays, most of us are digital nomads; we depend on technology so much. Taking a digital detox is hell hard when we’re staying at our home.

When you try to take a digital detox at your home, you probably have nothing to do, so you automatically end up picking up your phone and binge-watching movies or series.

That’s why, traveling is the best way to stay offline and take a break from technology.

phone screen

I know, you can’t altogether ditch your phone or laptop during travel. But try going to a place where you can’t get cell services or internet, use your devices only to capture the memories you create.

In that way, you will stop updating your social media stories, and enjoy the scenery and nature in front of you, get the most out of it.


In the last few decades, there has been a steep rise in traveling- be it solo or otherwise. It is because many have become aware of the fact that traveling is not only fun but ALSO beneficial in various ways.

Traveling really does some wonders to you, mentally and physically.

Now you’ve to start your traveling journey to experience the above mentioned benefits of traveling.

Travel as if there is no tomorrow. Why waste years at the same old familiar spot, singing the same old song. Do not dwell on the same old places, the same hide-outs and the same dishes over and over again.

Savor whatever comes your way and have fun along the way because you really cannot afford to lose time in a world as beautiful as this.

Over to you

If you have experienced any other benefits of traveling, comment down below that’ll inspire our other readers to begin their travel journey.

Happy Traveling!

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